Welcome to 17 Colours

Introducing “17 COLOURS”:  

We are proud to present the rebranding of Art for Aids International to “17 COLOURS.”

We have had quite a journey, but our journey doesn’t end here; we will still be hosting workshops and keynotes around the world. If you’d like to read more about what we have achieved together over the years, learn more about it here.  

We are constantly finding ways to improve our program, and we have come to the decision to incorporate United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals into what we do.  

So what are sustainable development goals? 


Building upon the Millennium Development Goals, 17 goals were brought forward by the United Nations General Assembly in New York Headquarters in 2015. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set to be achieved in the span of 15 years – The 2030 Agenda 

So what exactly does it mean when we say ‘sustainable development’?

According to the Bruntland Commission Report (1987), it is the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainable development has four components: Economic, Social, Environmental and Good Governance. These components are not separate components, but intertwined.   

There is a difference between sustainable development and sustainability. According to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), sustainability is more of a long-term goal; i.e. a more sustainable world, while sustainable development is the process of achieving sustainability. 

In accordance with this idea, the Stockholm Resilience Centre organized these goals into a ‘wedding cake’ model. The foundation being the Environment, which supports the Society; and the society supporting the Economy. 

How food connects all the SDGs - Stockholm Resilience Centre

Eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge; however, an integrated solution that acknowledges the importance of many factors is vital to realizing the following 17 SDGs. 

17 Goals, 169 Targets, 5424 Actions, 1 Framework 

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)? | HEC Paris

The SDGs are to be implemented at a regional, national, and global level. 

So how are we doing so far? 

This interactive map shows the ranking of the countries based on an assigned score of their progress on the SDGs. 

We realize that SDGs are the future we want for all, and as an organization, we want to help achieve these goals.